She performed her own song at the competition called "So Be Free" in front of 2,000 people.
Such competition, called "premium support," would save money in the long run, they say, and it is essential to winning the votes of conservatives.
In 2009 they held a competition, called "What is crime?"
Since 1994, she has been presiding over the annual international ballet competitions called Maya.
Monopolistic competition, also called competitive market: there are a large number of independent firms.
The admission for undergraduate courses is based on an annual open competition called vestibular.
The 151 contestants were to participate in a 3-day competition called Superweek.
She contended that competition among such cooperatives, called "alliances" in the Clinton plan, would reduce costs and improve service.
They won the international competition called Famecast in December 2007.
Subak was only allowed to be practiced in competitions called subakhui.