In his later years, he competed in ski jumping and golf.
Men compete in football, basketball, baseball, cross country, golf, soccer, and track and field.
He decided on a career in insurance, while competing in high-level amateur golf.
He also competed to a high level in rackets and golf.
However, if she was going to compete in golf at a championship level, she would have to refine the rest of her game.
A total of 93 athletes from 18 nations competed in golf at the 2006 Asian Games:
Female athletes who gamble were more likely to compete in golf, lacrosse, basketball and field hockey.
Both men and women compete in basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, and tennis.
"You don't want to compete with me in golf, Ping-Pong or anything else," he says.
Young men may also compete in baseball, golf, football, and Scholastic wrestling.