Feuding families compete in business and romance.
"Technically, athletes see cheating as wrong, but it's also how we compete in every walk of life, in politics, business and sports."
They competed against each other in business and in the show ring but each respected the other's knowledge of horses.
To compete in business you'll need more than just a good idea - you'll need commercial ability and experience to create that viable growing concern.
The book is about feuding families who compete in business and romance.
And the policy's opponents saw a threat to every individual's right to compete on equal terms at work, in business and in school.
Families compete in love and business.
There's a code of conduct that allows us to compete in business and not mix that with the personal side.
It was more than enough, Dad said, for a man to be competing in business with other men.
Feuding families compete in business and love.