Blocs agreed not to compete in certain areas, formed cartels to dominate other markets.
The partnership announcements of the past week indicate that the two companies plan to compete in areas far beyond features and technologies.
But the new company will compete in areas increasingly dominated by PepsiCo.
Now we're in a very strong position to compete in areas we couldn't on our own.
"The government should not be competing in areas where it is not effective", Rosselló said.
Instead, you can compete in other areas: customer service or quality.
This could be because the Japanese do not want to show their best technology to companies that also compete with them in nonmilitary areas.
Somebody's got to compete with Hughes in rural areas.
Actually it competes very well in areas who's only option is dial up.
If that were to happen, he warned, Europe could find itself unable to compete in important areas like automobiles, aerospace and telecommunications.