Another finding in schizophrenia that can be interpreted as a compensatory change is the increase of a particular type of GABAA receptors on the postsynaptic side.
Some cell damage can be reversed once the stress is removed or if compensatory cellular changes occur.
These interactions within the body facilitate compensatory changes supportive of physical and psychological functioning.
Base changes at positions 38, 44, 46, 53, and 69 constitute compensatory changes that maintain base pairs in stems.
The change in a dependent variable can be detected and compensatory change in the independent variable can be recommended.
In this scenario a change in one aspect of sexual anatomy causes a maladaptive domino effect that promotes adaptive compensatory changes in the network of genes linked to reproductive isolation.
They observed that the negative result could be accounted for if the change in the speed of light were cancelled by a compensatory change in the distance of one of the light paths.
The city could also make compensatory changes in zoning laws and reductions of rent control restrictions, which would probably be necessary to get the code enforcement changes enacted.
Desired drug effects may be mediated by such compensatory changes which may explain the delayed onset of therapeutic effect of antidepressants.
These compensatory changes, termed "concentric hypertrophy," reduce the increase in wall tension observed in aortic stenosis.