Free agents aren't out of the question, either, particularly the stars who are restricted by right-to-match rules and a stiff compensation formula.
Under the government's compensation formula, many families are expected to receive $200,000 to $300,000, which is intended to replicate their standard of living in Gaza.
But it made only margainal improvement in the compensation formula for free-agent mobility, which most players said was their major goal.
According to the proposed compensation formulas, any player earning under $100,000 could move without compensation.
In the traditional compensation formula, advertising agencies keep 15 percent of the amount their clients spend on ads.
He suggested that the college model its compensation formula on the business world.
Group II players, ages 24 to 30, could have more mobility than before because the compensation formula would be less harsh.
It called for compensation formulas to pay new attention to the effects of injuries on daily functioning and quality of life.
The European Union countries not in 'euroland' will have a compensation formula until the year 2002 - for the next three years.
Even among the universe of Sept. 11 survivors, the compensation formula is full of sharp corners and vexation.