But the affiliates have resisted any attempt to eliminate or cut back the annual compensation fees they receive from the networks.
But in a master stroke, he effectively eliminated the compensation fee.
The fine is considered "social compensation fees," and has been sharply criticized for potentially exacerbating the problem of abandoned children.
They are now trying to rebuild it,but the government will not give them a compensation fee.
A compensation fee was agreed by both clubs for the transfer.
He called the quadrupling of the rate this year burdensome, especially since drivers are also being charged a new $2,700 workers' compensation fee.
With him being under 23 years of age, York would pay Hereford a compensation fee.
The compensation fee was decided by a tribunal on 5 September 2011 as £275,000, rising to £400,000 on appearances.
If he plays for any other team, that team must pay the home team a compensation fee ($150,000 from 2011).
As he was under 24, Shrewsbury commanded a compensation fee to cover his youth development.