The $300 million will compensate shareholders financially harmed by the manipulation as part of a "deferred prosecution" agreement.
Symbol has also cooperated with the S.E.C. and has made an effort to compensate disgruntled shareholders.
Prosecutors are seeking the forfeiture of those assets and others worth more than $278 million to pay fines and compensate shareholders, Justice Department officials said.
If less than $350 million is used to compensate shareholders, the rest will be forfeited to the Government.
It boosted annual net dividends by 36.5 per cent to compensate shareholders for the Chancellor's tax change.
Whatever Mr. Chávez is planning, he needs to fairly compensate shareholders.
The fee goes back into the fund, to help compensate shareholders for any losses the fund would have to take from selling securities.
Federated Investors said it would pay $7.6 million to compensate shareholders for improper trades.
Putnam has previously said it would compensate shareholders for any improper trading.
Because they are intended to compensate long-term shareholders for the transaction costs incurred by short-term traders, redemption fees become part of the funds' assets.