Pennsylvania had a special $3 stamp on fishing licenses to help "compensate commercial fishermen for their losses", but this program ended after five years turning Erie's commercial fishing industry into an "artifact."
Of the $145 million remaining from Exxon's original payment, a significant part has been set aside to compensate herring fishermen.
An eco-tax of 50,000IDR (4€, US$5) is demanded from every diver to financially compensate fishermen who respect the agreement's terms.
The company has insurance to cover the cleanup and has promised to compensate fishermen and others.
I hope the Commission will heed the committee's amendment calling for Community funding which is not dependent on cofinancing to compensate fishermen under these plans.
I would suggest that EUR 48 million should be used for transitional funding to compensate fishermen and ancillary workers affected by the 15-days-at-sea fishing limits.
However, I do not support the calls for a scheme to compensate fishermen for any loss of income resulting from the technical measures.
The measures proposed involve compensating fishermen following either the cessation of all economic activities before 1 January 2002 or diversification into other fishing activities.
At least that would go some distance to compensate fishermen for the loss and fishing areas for the loss of jobs they have experienced.
Recently, Mr. Ishida has been catching fish from the bay to have them destroyed by Chisso as a way of cleaning up the pollution and compensating fishermen.