He said he would also discard the Government's proposal for wage increases to compensate consumers for price increases, a centerpiece of Mr. Ryzhkov's program.
In Japan there are no punitive damages, only awards to compensate consumers.
Instead of stern measures to curb inflation and stabilize the chaos in the economy, they said, the Government now seems bent on a policy of dictated price rises along with payments to compensate consumers.
It provides only a fraction of the funds needed to compensate consumers for the costs of a digital transition they never asked for.
The settlement payments are expected to compensate those purchasers, rather than ordinary consumers.
Similarly, Mr. Dole and Mr. Gingrich could have come up with a Republican-friendly manufacturer who preferred not to be damaged by having to compensate injured consumers.
The Fund cannot compensate consumers for a loss resulting from a private sale or a transaction involving a company that is not registered under the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act.
In the longer term, however, our courts or legislators may determine that some fraction of the accrued surplus should be used to compensate consumers who were harmed by cigarettes.
The tax credit, which is a dollar-for-dollar offset against taxes, was intended to compensate consumers for an increase in diesel fuel taxes that was intended to fall mainly on the trucking industry.
Roger Neal, Productopia's chief executive, said his company had no plans to compensate consumers who post reviews, since it already pays professional product reviewers to post recommendations on its site.