And there are few more compelling topics in American politics today than abortion, in good measure because of recent Court appointments.
Beyond Stanford Debate Eurocentrism has become one of the most compelling topics in current intellectual and educational discourse.
"These documents reflect his subtle yet changing life in the U.S." None of this is to say that immigration is not a compelling topic.
One compelling topic is Siberian dumplings, Sasha's favorite food.
The Kurt Hahn School emphasizes the interdisciplinary, in-depth study of compelling topics which develop students' abilities to creatively solve problems and think critically.
Mr. Miller's new program will not necessarily focus on business but on whatever is the most compelling topic of the day, CNBC executives said.
Mr. Branch continued: "His seventh arrest in Greenwood was a compelling topic of conversation while he stayed in jail over the weekend.
It's a compelling topic.
Because of this campaign, a long-simmering issue - the tax on suburban commuters who work in New York City - has suddenly become the most compelling topic in state politics.