Lieutenant General Sherman was to have been of the party also, but the Indian war compelled his presence on the plains.
Defendants are also entitled to compel witnesses on their behalf to appear and testify.
As part of the investigation the Commission tried to compel the judges on the reference, including Pace, to testify.
(Week in Review, March 8) compels my comment on both its direct and implied thrust.
States cannot compel choice on their own because Federal law prohibits them from regulating most large employers.
Fueled by petitions, the citizens' initiatives seek to bypass the traditional legislative process and compel a popular vote on a sensitive question.
In California and Washington, ballot propositions would compel spending on easing traffic flows.
The illness compelled him on occasion to take absences from the bench.
Bince appeared in the court-room only when necessity compelled his presence on the witness stand.
Now repeat to it: I compel thee on threat of dissolution to carry my message.