Quite often the parents and sometimes even the grandparents of the dog can be examined for good health and compatible personalities.
Roomster helps match roommates with a compatible personality.
Recreational players can seek out nearby pros with compatible personalities and modest rates.
I believe they are compatible personalities.
"I would have been a far more compatible personality if I'd been born in that age," he said.
Early on, the records mentioned five occasions when a dragonet had not found a compatible personality.
Having compatible personalities, they knew when to be silent with each other and when to cheer each other on, they said.
They're supposed to be married, in love, whatever, and very compatible personalities.
Ryll's proctors had told him the most enjoyable trips into the tangles of space were on ships having personalities compatible with your own.
Hooking up with another traveler who has a compatible personality and travel preferences can be a lot of fun.