It's your notion that by so doing you're creating a more compassionate society that I find difficult to swallow.
We may agree that a compassionate, humane and socially just society should look after frail, sick people at the end of their lives.
You've staked a lot on the prospect of a stronger, more compassionate society.
Throughout the Bible, the test of a compassionate society was how widows and orphans were treated.
We exemplify and lead in creating a more compassionate society that offers second chances.
But I hope the program also helps people not to forget that we are a compassionate society.
We all want high employment and to live in a compassionate, cohesive society.
These photographs provide stark evidence that our supposedly compassionate and democratic society has failed us once again.
The center's mission is to increase mindful awareness through research and teaching to promote a more compassionate society.
"I believe in balancing the budget because it is a precondition for a more compassionate society."