A comparison between Hurricane Hugo and the earthquake illustrates the point.
A comparison of neutrons with gamma radiation illustrates the differences.
A comparison between a crocodile and an elephant illustrates how mammals for example are heavily dependent on social learning.
A specific comparison of these mass-marketed policies to a standard life insurance policy illustrates certain differences.
A comparison of two studies illustrates that subtle differences in the design of the tests can adversely affect the results of one.
These vertical comparisons often illustrate the lower, actual behavior of a person in contrast to higher, imagined ideals and alternative idealized choices.
Of course, such a comparison might illustrate that the problem is not people drinking when they are young but our society's unhealthy relationship with alcohol.
There are other examples, but this simple comparison illustrates a dramatic difference in how life is valued by the Iraqi regime and the coalition.
A simple comparison of the same speech event covered in different newspapers can illustrate the problem.
What this comparison illustrates is the apparent insuperability of the gap between language and experience.