It can however be difficult to compare services between providers without standard units of measurement.
Those who use oil to heat their homes have always had the opportunity to compare prices and services and choose the best company.
Consumers need help comparing services, and better disclosure is the way.
From the service consumer's point of view, these characteristics make it difficult, or even impossible, to evaluate or compare services prior to experiencing the service delivery.
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Performance benchmarking - allows the initiator firm to assess their competitive position by comparing products and services with those of target firms.
You can also compare costs and services provided by different suppliers.
One of the issues with a stated contention ratio is that it is not, on its own, adequate for comparing services.
The company was modeled after sites like Expedia, gathering information from companies into a single site to help customers find deals by comparing services and prices.
The flagship site,, allows users to research, filter, and compare products and services.