All of you comparing incomes should remember that the amount actually needed to survive varies greatly from one location to another.
In total, Henry's wage bill for the siege came to £1,311;It is impossible to accurately compare 13th century and modern prices or incomes.
Today's Columns The I.M.F.'s decision to compare national incomes according to purchasing power rather than the exchange value of their currencies is a welcome one.
All we ever do is go to medical conventions so Tom can compare incomes with other doctors.
It is impossible to accurately compare 14th century and modern prices or incomes.
It is difficult to accurately compare 16th-century and modern prices or incomes.
The study compares incomes of poor and affluent households with children.
IT'S official: the International Monetary Fund has decided to compare national incomes according to purchasing power rather than the exchange value of their currencies.
Leicester's lands in Warwickshire were worth between £500-£700It is difficult to accurately compare 16th century and modern prices or incomes.
Kenilworth Castle was valued at £10,401It is difficult to accurately compare 16th century and modern prices or incomes.