Compare various brands and models.
They're a bit of a toy for the boys - they spend hours charging them, fiddling about with them and comparing brands.
Consumers do not always have complete information about a product's or service's attributes; indirect measures may be their only basis for comparing brands.
When comparing brands or suppliers of smetana, the Polish and Russian practice is to compare the fat content of the varieties.
In a series of charts, the book lists consumer products by category so that shoppers can easily compare several brands of the same basic item.
"I used Mr. T." What they are doing is comparing brands of the drug.
ECRI tests, rates and compares competing brands of medical devices for health professionals.
To compare brands for quality, he said, look at the thickness of a 60-yard roll.
Shoppers who want a specific degree of firmness face a confusing task when they compare brands.