With great difficulty he made his way to Paris again, where a comparatively prosperous career opened before him.
Odessa, while comparatively prosperous, has far fewer golden rubles to spare these days.
The great commercial depression of 1857 dampened most of the outside interests in the territory, which itself remained comparatively prosperous.
As both legal and illegal trade increased, Cuba became a comparatively prosperous trading partner in the region, and a center of tobacco and sugar production.
He was born to a comparatively prosperous local Jewish family.
Advertorial rarely advertises stuff that I, comparatively prosperous and debt free can afford.
The Chens initially appear to be members of an enlightened, comparatively prosperous lower middle class.
Such proclaimed intentions were met with no practical success throughout the rest of the comparatively prosperous decade of the 1920s, however.
The towns are small and comparatively prosperous.
The nation's natural resources have made it into a comparatively prosperous nation in the African economy.