The defense has also contended that the comparatively inexperienced Ms. Mazzola wielded responsibility at the crime scene beyond her expertise.
Ferrari, Italian born and resident in Australia, had held the title before and was widely expected to be a difficult, if not insurmountable obstacle to the comparatively inexperienced Owen.
She was a comparatively inexperienced actor, but she was the right age, looked right and she also liked what the programme was trying to do with a young Asian couple.
He only hoped that Shyren were not more devious than he appeared, or at least that Shyren believed Cerryl comparatively inexperienced, more like a younger version of Fydel.
It was intended that two fresh armoured divisions would continue the attack, but some hesitancy by these two comparatively inexperienced divisions and German armoured counter-attacks slowed the offensive.
The comparatively inexperienced 20-year-old Frenchman fought spiritedly and stubbornly and his efforts were bolstered when Timman's technique let him down in a two-pawns-ahead ending in Game 1, which he only drew.
The comparatively inexperienced but well-trained 7th Indian Infantry Division under Major-General Frank Messervy attacked down the Kalapanzin Valley.
Dainyl wanted to be as close as possible, suspecting that the flier was Talent-strong, but a comparatively inexperienced flier.
Her solo was delicate, the flowing movements of her arms were a pleasure to watch and, although she is a young and comparatively inexperienced dancer, she commanded the stage without strain or affectation.
One thing seemed to be clear, though: His opponents did not underestimate him, a common error when facing an unknown, comparatively inexperienced adversary.