The comparatively gentle Dustin might not fully have realised the movie's meretricious implications.
This was no comparatively gentle derivative of sky or water.
Kaolin diffused bulbs are used extensively in interior lighting because of their comparatively gentle light.
And suddenly they were clear, sailing upwards on the comparatively gentle spirals of hot air.
In comparatively gentle Laos, Hmong tribesmen are considered aggressive and warlike by nature.
Two comparatively gentle main courses might be recommended for diners who have climbed the foie-gras mountain.
Handel had previously set this text as recitative, and then as a comparatively gentle minuet in triple time throughout.
Comparatively gentle climate, fertile soil and rich pastures attracted many stock-breeder and farmers.
The wine list is filled with unfamiliar but well-made Greek reds and whites, many at comparatively gentle prices.
Then the others were with them, and they began moving down a comparatively gentle slope to the smooth floor of the valley's bottom.