The 500-gram items are comparatively expensive, costing from $30 to $80, and often sold in a case of four.
Many comparatively expensive papers, large in format, are used in choice editions of books.
However, it did have its drawbacks, such as sensitivity to dust and comparatively expensive production.
The required levelling work, tunnels and bridges also made the construction comparatively expensive.
Although they're comparatively expensive when new, their resale values are high, so they might only depreciate by a grand or two a year.
Arrakis would become of little value, with the product there comparatively expensive to get out of the sand.
Alaskan internet in general is very slow and comparatively expensive.
The technology used in the manufacturing process was sophisticated and comparatively expensive, even with the rejection of a more expensive automated system.
Though broadband connections are increasingly common in America, service is comparatively expensive and coverage spotty.
These whole-house systems are comparatively expensive to install, but will do the job when all else has failed.