The comparative morphology, phylogeny and higher classification of the butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionidea).
For most of its history, biological taxonomy and systematics were conducted using comparative morphology.
He published several further works, being the most important a comparative morphology of the skulls of many different animals, including men, apes, reptiles, birds and others.
Jungersen was a proponent of evolutionary comparative morphology, and is known for making significant contributions in the field of ichthyotomy (fish anatomy).
Braun was an important influence on Rohrbach's research in the fields of comparative morphology and systematics.
His main research areas covered marine biology and comparative morphology of vertebrates.
Rolf Sattler has revised fundamental concepts of comparative morphology such as the concept of homology.
His empirical findings led him to revision fundamental concepts of comparative morphology.
These revisions led him to question the theoretical and philosophical foundations of comparative morphology.
Of the latter it has been said that "no more important discovery was ever made in the domain of comparative morphology and systematic Botany".