This Index, is a comparative measure of the degree of monopoly power in two distinctive markets for products that have the same marginal costs.
Other studies support this view, providing comparative measures of standard of living.
There is also among students a comparative measure of value.
It is the potential, unique to standardized tests, to serve as an objective comparative measure for accountability purposes that scares the proponents of status quo.
Indeed there is no opportunity to use an income figure in any way as a comparative measure of performance.
First, what items should be included - or excluded; second, what comparative measure of expenditure should be used.
The Greenwood statistic is a comparative measure that has a range of values between 0 and 1.
I just wonder what comparative measure of intelligence was used?
Other studies support the above view on the general trends in the economy, providing comparative measures of standard of living.
Clearly this definition can be generalized in order to compare a number of different systems and thus provide a useful comparative measure.