In a comparable survey a decade earlier, 57,000 left the South and 92,000 moved there.
For example, 1999 surveys in Marin County found fewer individuals present than a comparable 1997 survey.
The survey was completed on 11 March 1837, which was a considerable achievement given the time taken to complete comparable surveys.
Overall, the survey found that 47 percent of the subway cars were clean, compared with 61 percent in a comparable survey last year.
These achievements are the more remarkable when one notes that comparable surveys of the equatorial Atlantic and Indian oceans are still lacking.
To make the two most recent surveys comparable, the bureau said it would adjust the layoff figures for both of them.
Among boys, the 1995 figure was 55 percent, down from 60 percent in 1988, the last year with a comparable survey.
There are no comparable surveys of doctors, many of whom complain that they make less money in Hawaii than they could elsewhere.
The number of participating telcos was relatively small compared to some other surveys, but the survey technique was more demanding than any comparable survey to date.
It will consist of a comparable quantitative survey that looks at Children's online use and the safety and risk the Internet provides.