Fresher voices were on hand, but none of comparable stature.
Among the singers of her generation, only Ella Fitzgerald enjoyed comparable stature.
But for some reason, New York City lacks a museum of comparable stature.
When Smith declined, they could find no one of comparable stature to stand against Diefenbaker.
With less than two months remaining before the election, finding a replacement of comparable stature would have been extremely hard.
Not until after World War I did American plays of comparable stature appear.
Even in their traditional home, Germany, there was nobody of comparable stature to succeed the great figures of the past.
While many American actors of comparable stature would shun such roles, she does not have that luxury.
But after more than a decade, it may get some company of comparable stature.
It is too early to tell whether the C.S.O. will eventually reach comparable stature.