The net effect is an average forward drift at the speed comparable to that of a snail.
In fact a skysurfer always falls at a high speed comparable to any other freefalling parachutist.
As a consequence, they're able to access and correlate information at speeds comparable to the computers themselves.
Progressive banking allows cars to run the high line at a comparable speed to the lesser-banked low-line.
On the other hand, customers who lease a phone company's lines with comparable speeds can pay $3,000 to $6,000 a month, not including installation.
Superior, though not irresistible, weaponry; comparable speed and greater available intelligence.
It operates at comparable speeds, and it costs about the same.
Chains operating at high speeds comparable to those on motorcycles should be used in conjunction with an oil bath.
The signals will let customers send and receive data at speeds comparable to commercial landlines.
This approach is required to run at speeds comparable to contemporary rail traffic, involving full certification of Tornado.