When Manhattan tickets go from $6 to $7, you can bet that other theaters around the country will eventually raise their prices a comparable percentage.
He also succeeded in reducing operation mortality from operations to percentages comparable with those reported by the world's most reputable neurosurgical clinics.
Education specialists say many universities, especially private ones, have yet to achieve comparable percentages.
QVC is offering $104 a share in cash for a comparable percentage and the balance in stock.
"Two years ago, the comparable percentage was 10 percent to 15 percent."
The average of comparable percentages for all months back to 1980, according to Professor Ritter, is 44 percent.
Rates for less costly coverage of individuals in small groups are going up by comparable percentages.
The press release did not state the comparable percentage for Topalov.
For women who wear size 10 or larger, the comparable percentages were 84 and 89.
This was nearly three times as high as the comparable percentage for stocks with yields above 4 percent.