Incomes for comparable jobs are higher in New York, but not enough to explain that kind of difference.
You may be one of a number of employees with a roughly comparable job.
Workers who took a leave of absence would have a right to return to the same or comparable jobs.
"I'd be surprised if in the last 40 years nine inmates have found comparable jobs after graduating from our vocational programs."
"We can place people, but it may not be at a comparable job."
They are paid 70 percent of what people doing comparable permanent jobs earn.
Women, actually the number I have is: receive 72 cents for every dollar a man receives in a comparable job.
O'Leary will probably find work, although not a comparable job.
In city agencies, comparable jobs can pay as much as 42 percent more, the study said.
There are few comparable jobs that allow you to do what you believe is right.