The strong Goldbach conjecture is in fact very similar to the twin prime conjecture, and the two conjectures are believed to be of roughly comparable difficulty.
The community college students had comparable difficulty when reading an account of Lee's surrender to Grant at Appomattox.
(Comments in brackets refer to comparable difficulties when studying the body clock.)(1) When should you study the family?
The Wiessner Route lies a few hundred feet to the right of the Durrance Route and has a comparable difficulty.
This mountain also has a trail of comparable difficulty but CRD Parks policy discourages hiking there at this time.
Problems Are Aired Now Some Filipinos say today's problems seem particularly formidable because in the past, many comparable difficulties were covered up and the people were not aware of them.
I will leave to others how far this solves the difficulty; my point is that no comparable difficulty arises in evolutionary game theory.
Lord Ennius, Procurator, of Earth, had experienced no comparable difficulties in seeing Dr. Shekt, though he, had experienced an almost comparable excitement.
In some countries, especially those in east Asia, the selection process involves several difficult tests of a difficulty comparable to the IMO itself.
Other portions of the French army had comparable difficulties.