Coalwood had no widows to remind it of the constant threat of explosions and cave-ins; the company made them move out of their company-owned homes.
Business leaders have made it clear that they would not evict nonwhite employees from company-owned homes to comply with the laws.
After being kicked out of their company-owned homes, the strikers and their families set up tent colonies on public property.
In response, the company threw Murray's family out of their company-owned home.
Tyson shareholders also paid $464,132 for the personal use by Mr. Tyson, his family and pals of company-owned homes in England and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
During a mining strike in February 1868 the family was unceremoniously evicted from their company-owned home.
When the miners struck on March 9, the coal companies evicted thousands of families from their company-owned homes.
Workers lived in similar looking company-owned homes on what was then the northern edge of Charlotte (this is how the area gets its name).
During a strike in 1868, owners evicted Irish-Catholic workers from company-owned homes, then imported dozens of French-Canadian Catholic "strikebreakers" to replace them.
The 45 company-owned homes were sold off in 1961 for prices up to $900.