If it did not, the issue would be moot - companies would simply withhold business from their directors' firms.
His testimony helped to build the case that the company had knowingly withheld important information from the customer.
The energy agency found no evidence that companies withheld power to drive up prices.
The company won't withhold the extra Federal income tax.
Once when the employees refused to work until they were paid, the company withheld food for two days.
Applying this finding to the entire sector, he estimated that as of 1995, companies had withheld $218 billion to $262 billion from their pension funds.
But if a few large companies withhold gasoline supplies, they can keep the price propped up for an extended period.
He said the company would withhold payment of the back taxes until questions about his ownership of the rights were resolved.
He said the company withheld antidepressant medication from a girl who later committed suicide.
That is, people can opt out by going to the trouble of asking the companies to withhold personal data about them.