Other local companies, large and small, with no gambling experience at all, are also vying for a role.
In the 1980's, many more companies were vying for the available touring dates.
The competition under deregulation would be among companies vying to sell the power itself.
Until just weeks ago, when the catalogues had to go to press, the two companies were vying for what little hot property was available.
The dispute reflects the extent to which the two companies are vying for the $1.6 billion world market.
By the 1920's, several companies vied for the trade.
The surge has created something of a cottage industry as companies vie to track the various sites.
Today, some 50 companies vie for a slice of the roughly $1.2 billion a month that flows to Mexico.
The long-distance telephone market is already highly competitive, with more than 400 companies vying for customers.
Since then, prices have risen to $1,000 a piece, with companies vying to have their box on top.