Their role is to promote company products and function as company spokespersons in local markets.
Only 12 of its employees work in the Zug office, according to a company spokesperson.
Give examples and offer a point of assistance such as a company spokesperson or communications manager.
No price has been set for the drug in the U.S, according to a company spokesperson.
I tell them you can be your company spokesperson.
A company spokesperson said: "In hindsight, of course, we would have reserved a table for him.
"Microsoft does not condone the modification of its products," a company spokesperson said.
According to a company spokesperson, "Film stars cut across various segments to establish a direct connect with the brand."
Appoint a single company spokesperson to handle questions and try to be positive in any statements you issue.
As of April 30, 2012, the agency owed $7.75 million in back rent, a company spokesperson said.