Mr. Imperatore said this month that the company was sinking under debt and might run out of cash any day.
Unfortunately, the company eventually sunk in 1922, with net losses estimated to be over $1,000,000.
The two companies will sink six exploration wells this year in fields 2,800 feet below the surface.
In 1985, the Japanese company sank a borehole on the area.
The orders were to prevent anyone from boarding and if soldiers came out in dugouts the ship's companies should sink them.
No company will sink capital into a country with a reputation for stealing its citizens' assets.
The idea was sound, but the company was sinking.
The company sank more than $300 million into, which Middelhoff acknowledges was a big disappointment.
Now that he's gone, some fear the company might sink yet again.
Finally, Japanese companies will sink or swim, this line of reasoning goes.