The company has shunned the consolidation trend in the industry, he said, and has not made any recent major acquisitions.
With a few shining exceptions, British companies have largely shunned Latin America ever since.
Yet myths about the disease persist, advocates say, leading many companies to shun diabetic employees.
Many companies shun outsourcing altogether, preferring to run their own data centers.
To begin with, these companies must shun traditional sales-versus-service thinking.
In the 1980's, three or four big cases could generate half of the firm's annual revenue, and the company shunned small cases.
The company shuns him, and he's dirty, unkempt and smell.
One is the relatively small number of layoffs, which companies still shun here for fear of ruining morale.
They seek out one of the insurers willing to take on risks that other companies shun.
He said in a letter to shareholders with the company's 1987 annual report that the company would shun the diversification strategy touted by his predecessor.