Mr. Barth said the company has been pumping as many as 500,000 gallons of groundwater daily since 1985.
The law requires most companies to pump money into their pension funds quickly.
The company could then pump 125,000 barrels a day down a new Mackenzie valley pipeline to Alberta.
As a result, Russian companies are now pumping more oil.
The company pumped the equivalent of 3.88 million barrels of oil and gas a day in the third quarter, up from 3.5 million a year ago.
The team became known as Nissan Bears of Worthing and during the next 17 months the company pumped £110,000 into the club's coffers.
The company then pumped the blend through its pipeline (hence the nickname "yo-yo") back to Hardisty.
The company has pumped $6.4 billion into the pension fund over the last three years to make up for investment losses.
Tanks tread there now, and companies pump oil from beneath the ancient soil.
Instead, the French company is pumping $150 million into Hachette Magazines to cut its debt load.