The studio is tiny, yet the New York-based company performed as if it were in a vast opera house.
And that is surprising, given the smartness and emotional clarity of the dances the company performed on Saturday night at the Joyce SoHo.
The company performed on Friday night in a program that suggested that such fusion can vitiate dance.
After its season in London the company performed in Vienna, Budapest, Prague and Berlin.
Ross Parkes drew more strong dancing from the company in his 1973 "Tides," performed to music by Ralph Vaughn Williams.
The company therefore performed "large, colourful, familiar works which were what 'the Firm' preferred".
It reflected how customers considered each company performed in 14 areas of the business.
The company performed with the same brilliance, energizing the ensemble on a level one doesn't recall from other productions.
November 1953 - April 1954 (winter season): The theatrical company performed at Peraikou Sindesmou Theatre.
Both companies performed and presented workshops in High Schools for 6 months all over Ontario in 1972.