She said the company overcharged her by $16,000 and repossessed the cab because she had refused to sign another financing agreement.
Microsoft agreed to settle more than 100 class-action antitrust suits alleging that the company overcharged consumers.
Current and former employees sued, contending the company had overcharged the Government and engaged in fraudulent billing.
The Justice Department says Microsoft's ability to raise Windows prices is strong evidence that the company is overcharging.
Other Vermont utilities say the company has overcharged them in wholesale power sales.
Pearl Jam challenged Ticketmaster, saying that the company had a stranglehold on the concert business and was overcharging fans.
Independent owners attempted to buy products from outside the corporate supply chain (in conflict with their contracts), maintaining that the company was deliberately overcharging them.
California officials say generating companies overcharged more than $6 billion since last summer, a figure the companies say is wildly inflated.
One issue is whether companies like Boeing are rebuilding too much - replacing too many parts - and overcharging in the process.
As part of its sentence, Rockwell must also repay the Air Force $446,000, the amount that the company had overcharged in the satellite contract.