The statistics underpinned an optimistic market after a flood of major company news had sent shares flying in early dealing.
Wave skyrocketed in February, though there wasn't much company news driving the stock.
Trading was thin with little major company news to inspire investors.
"I watch the company news in the papers, to see who's buying out who," he says vaguely.
Typical subjects covered include renewable energy, legislation, wind turbine technology and company news.
First ask customers whether they want E-mail from the company about products, updates and company news, consultants say.
The price of the stocks had, for some reason, shot up before items of favorable company news were made public.
Also provided are the price of each holding and links to recent company news.
Would the Times consider adding analysis/opinion of this sort to its company news feeds?
The cast of "Calcium" made company news on its own.