The idea is that only the more active larger companies will be traded at the start.
Almost 600 companies are traded on the two exchanges, with a market value of $45 billion.
As of June 18, 2008, the company was no longer publicly traded.
If the entire company were publicly traded, it would be worth $6 billion.
I've worked extra jobs, started other companies, traded in the stock market, anything just to make sure those guys don't start yelling at me.
The company, traded over the counter, closed yesterday at $22.75 a share.
They are thus the 81st-130th largest publicly traded companies in Germany.
The more a company is traded, the richer the food source for the creatures.
Approximately 35 percent of the 500 largest publicly traded companies are family businesses.
Although the company was publicly traded at this time, the government owned 98% of its shares.