The company will be grappling with these questions for some time.
But the company must now grapple with several major issues that arguably are of its own creation.
Both companies are grappling with a beer market that has grown by less than 2 percent a year in recent years.
Since he became both chairman and chief executive in 2001, the company has grappled with declining revenue and market share.
But it hit the online travel industry when the companies were already grappling with the challenge of cultivating customer loyalty.
But many industry analysts say this is only the beginning of a renewed focus on security as companies grapple with their own vulnerability.
Now, though, the company is grappling with just how to manage all this growth.
Some companies still grapple with the basic question of whether to support personal smartphones at all.
But as on-line companies grapple with sheer survival, someone needs to ask the question: Why should we care about video on the Web?
Most companies are still grappling with how best to provide sanctuary for preschool and latchkey children.