But the company also excluded restructuring charges from the figure used to calculate the bonus.
But for now, the company does not exclude nonpaying merchants, and it will always list items with the cheapest first, he said.
But both companies exclude 60 countries from this coverage.
While some states provide detailed breakdowns of what information the company must include or can exclude from a file, others are not specific.
To avoid a potentially big loss, many companies exclude particularly expensive trips from their list of guaranteed departures.
The company visited prospective tenants in their homes and excluded black families from the development.
The company is present in 88 countries on five continents and employs 13,500 personnel, excluding more than 215,000 through additional indirect jobs.
"Present company excluded," Anderson says, "he's the best person in the field."
Present company excluded, who needs/wants a laptop with no keyboard?
The company pointedly excluded automotive designers from the beginning.