Nonprofits as a whole benefit when consumers rather than companies dictate where donations, including donations of unredeemed loyalty-program rewards, will go.
But managed-care companies increasingly are dictating whose souls get healed and how much healing they get.
In reference to the possibility large companies might dictate prices in the future, Mr. Rapaport stated:
Even a company as powerful as Microsoft cannot simply dictate whims.
In the late eighties, Chesney's company Murad began painting directly onto building walls, letting the size of each structure dictate the dimensions of the ad.
While the company might dictate what it wants the consultant to do, the methods for carrying out the assignment should be left to the consultant.
In the consumerization of I.T., fewer companies are dictating which smartphones, tablets and other electronics must be used by their employees.
A single company no longer dictates what can be achieved with video, and your video content is no longer isolated to a rectangle embedded in a page.
While for several years the company dictated hours to its franchisees in the United States, that changed with the sale of the company in 2010.
Profit-driven managed-care companies and corporate administrators are dictating medical treatments to protect the bottom line.