While Cheil's move was the most dramatic, other Korean companies are also courting Hollywood.
The very developers that the company should be courting are being given good reason to doubt the future of the platform.
He said one company, the Subway Restaurants' sandwich chain, has aggressively courted health-conscious consumers.
Other companies are demanding devotion and courting fate.
The company courted top politicians, bureaucrats and corporate executives by offering them stock in a fast-growing subsidiary.
Mr. Green, once one of the most powerful lawmakers in the Assembly, was one of a dozen people the company courted.
He said companies are courting trouble if they forecast 15 percent growth in earnings per share over a long period, a record that few can maintain.
The company courted controversy in 1975 with Ralph Bakshi's racially-tinged Coonskin.
Both companies have actively courted deals with the big program suppliers.
Other Russian companies are courting foreign investors.