Entertainment of company clients may take place at the property, although this is just an assumption.
The employee would not, for six months after termination of employment, solicit custom from any person who may have been a company client during the employment.
Most of the limited company clients I have came to me because I am a registered auditor.
The firm has lost 690 of its 2,311 public company clients since Jan. 1.
The rest of the building however is strictly off-limits to the public, with the exception of employees and company clients.
"One woman who specializes in photograph albums is now putting together pictorial histories for company clients," Ms. Mellon said.
However, in the late 1950s and early 1960s, Theodore Goddard & Co. attracted many company clients and the commercial side of the practice grew rapidly.
But such giveaways are especially attractive to businesspeople, who like the idea of giving themselves a little bonus while they buy multiple gifts for company clients.
Westernbank Trust Division - provides trust services for individual, corporate and trust company clients.
It also asked large company clients to make sure that black and Asian lawyers get at least 5% of their work.