Advances in technology over the last four years have made many such services economically feasible, and companies around the world are clamoring for a chance to offer them.
But by and large, American companies are not clamoring for a chance to work in a country that still routinely calls the United States the "great Satan."
And government agencies and private companies, fearful of terrorism, might have clamored to utilize Polaroid's considerable expertise in making picture ID's.
Small companies and venture capitalists are already clamoring to bring the drug here, but Roussell-Uclaf has said that it will not license the drug to other companies.
Among all the companies clamoring to stake a claim to the Internet, one has been notably inconspicuous: Sun Microsystems Inc.
But now some companies are clamoring for a yellow card, having learned that it entitles them to special tax benefits, low-interest loans and exemption from repaying debts.
But in stark contrast to the months after Sept. 11, American companies are not clamoring desperately for help.
The big companies and the big presenters clamor for our attention.
But for now, companies are clamoring for someone to take care of their security headaches.
Ordinarily, two companies would not clamor to assume such a huge financial burden.