Later the company also chartered a fifth SA-15 class ship, but unlike the others it was not rebuilt and retained its Russian identity.
Throughout its years of operation the company also chartered a number of Brittany Ferries vessels for use during refit periods.
Between 1902 and 1904, the company chartered six expeditions to search the hinterlands for minerals.
The company chartered a plane to bring 38 people, including some spouses and relatives of employees, from Europe to Montreal; a bus then brought them to Framingham.
The company chartered the plane to transport executives going from Philadelphia and Albany on business.
A company from Kyrgyzstan chartered the flight, and the passenger manifest mostly included ethnic Russian Kyrgyz citizens planning to go shopping in India.
His company has chartered ferries from up and down the Northeast coast, including whale-watching boats from Massachusetts.
Due to this the company have chartered the Van Gogh to the Russia-based Metropolis Tur for the 2008 northern hemisphere summer season.
To help ease the uncertainty, the company has chartered, at a premium, some ships that have the certificates.
In 1661, the company chartered the Town of Boswijck, including land that would later become Williamsburg.