You have told me your companions lie in a village not far from here.
A more distant companion, ο Cassiopeiae B, lies 33.6 arcseconds away.
But whether she might have decided that her companion was lying Roane was not to know, for there was a dull roar from the mouth of the opening.
Its companion, the 10th magnitude ζ Volantis B, lies 16.7 arcseconds away.
For all he knew, Valdir and Kennard, and all their companions, might be lying dead in the valley where they had been ambushed.
His companion was lying almost over the steering wheel.
So it appears that your companions lied.
Senov's companions were lying in a huddled heap.
These companions lie within 30 000 light years of the quasar - only the Sun's distance from the centre of our Galaxy - and they appear unusually small.
The companions lie low and Eva has a full and challenging life, complete with unexpected romance.