The ticket for a younger companion has the same terms, and the companion must fly with the primary pass holder.
Brock - Flora's companion flying fish mount, which "speaks" in chirps and whistles.
The companions became suspicious and flew to the door.
As the rebellious slaves continued to ransack the villa, Vor and his companions flew away from the hubbub.
O'Neal's companion, Shaunie Nelson, flew in on a red-eye Monday night with their three children.
Her avian's companion (who Nicole assumed was a mate of some kind) and two additional linoleum-surfaced creatures flew in first.
One of them started down the hill towards a telephone, but his companion called for him to stop as -193 flew blindly on.
Shifter's companion flew at him.
The two companions flew off and were soon high above the jungle, cruising towards the mountain.
Arthur and his companions also flew to arms, and Merlin appeared at their head, bearing a standard on which was emblazoned a terrific dragon.